[gentoo-user] mounting windows 10 partition on linux
2018-12-04 18:16:42 UTC
I'm trying to mount windows 10 shared folder on Gentoo home folder but
I'm getting an error from "smbclinet"

smbclient –L // –U OP2
–L: Not enough '\' characters in service

I've tried:
mbclient –L // –U OP2
smbclient –L // –U OP2
smbclient –L \\\\\\backup –U OP2
Andrew Udvare
2018-12-04 18:26:57 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
I'm trying to mount windows 10 shared folder on Gentoo home folder but
I'm getting an error from "smbclinet"
smbclient does not mount. It just connects a CLI client to the server
(see the manpage). The -L argument is for the NetBIOS name alone, not
the UNC. This should work:

smbclient -U OP2 //

Since you know the IP, you can skip NetBIOS lookup:

smbclient -I -U OP2 //

Assuming you have CIFS built into your kernel, you can use mount as root:

mount -t cifs -o user=OP2 // /mount-point
2018-12-04 19:05:49 UTC
Post by Andrew Udvare
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
I'm trying to mount windows 10 shared folder on Gentoo home folder but
I'm getting an error from "smbclinet"
smbclient does not mount. It just connects a CLI client to the server
(see the manpage). The -L argument is for the NetBIOS name alone, not
smbclient -U OP2 //
smbclient -I -U OP2 //
mount -t cifs -o user=OP2 // /mount-point
I'm getting something, but it is not listing anyfiles/directories.

smbclient -U OP2 //
Enter OP2's password:

The "OP2" computer does not have any password setup, so hitting "enter" is not listing anything.

When I try to mount it:
mount -t cifs -o user=OP2 // /home/thelma/win10
mount: /home/joseph/win10: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.

In my kernel config I have CIFS enabled:
grep -i cifs /usr/src/linux/.config

Neil Bothwick
2018-12-04 19:11:44 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
mount -t cifs -o user=OP2 // /home/thelma/win10
mount: /home/joseph/win10: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g.
nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.
Do you have /sbin/mount.cifs? It's provided by cifs-utils.
Neil Bothwick

"DOOM ", said Pooh, and Slaughtered Christopher Robin with a chainsaw
2018-12-04 19:36:59 UTC
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
mount -t cifs -o user=OP2 // /home/thelma/win10
mount: /home/joseph/win10: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g.
nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.
Do you have /sbin/mount.cifs? It's provided by cifs-utils.
Yes I was missing "cifs-utils" on this box and just install it.
But I'm still getting an error:

mount -t cifs -o user=OP2,password=op2 //
mount error(112): Host is down
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

"backup" folder on Windows 10 has shared enabled.

2018-12-04 19:20:17 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
mount: /home/joseph/win10: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.
That should be:
mount -t cifs -o user=OP2 // /home/thelma/win10
mount: /home/thelma/win10: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.

The above command works for my Windows 7 but not for Windows 10
2018-12-04 22:30:01 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
mount: /home/joseph/win10: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.
mount -t cifs -o user=OP2 // /home/thelma/win10
mount: /home/thelma/win10: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.
The above command works for my Windows 7 but not for Windows 10
mount -t cifs // /home/thelma/win10 -o username=OP2,password=op2,vers=1.0
mount error(112): Host is down

mount -t cifs // /home/thelma/win10 -o username=OP2,password=op2,vers=3.0
mount error(22): Invalid argument

Same error is for "vers=2.0
